Course Syllabus: Practical Characterization in Materials Science
Developed as a part of a model course for Inquiry Based Instructional Design Course taught by Prof. Ken Diller
Course Instructor: Nick Ignacio
Office Hours: TBD and by appointment, e.g., before during break, or after class. I invite you to email or talk to me during class to schedule.
Course Goals:
This course is hands on lab-based course designed to
- Teach practical techniques in the synthesis and characterization of materials and their properties
- Use experiments to explore fundamental and sometimes abstract materials concepts and theories
Course Overview and Methodology:
In Practical Characterization in Materials Science, students will examine the principles, techniques, and instruments used in the characterization of materials. One of the big ideas of this course as well as materials science as a field is understanding the relationship between a material’s structure, processing, and properties unveiled by characterization. Essential materials characterization techniques will be taught through a combination of theory lectures and practical training with the operation of materials characterization instruments. Assessments will be provided at the end of each segment to assess cumulative understanding in addition to the final project at the end of the course. Written challenge problems will be assigned for each section to reinforce the importance of the structure-processing-property relationship.
Required Text:
There is no required textbook for this course. Handouts containing essential materials will be provided throughout the course.
Useful References:
- Practical Electron Microscopy in Materials Science by Jeffrey William Edington
- Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis by Joseph Goldstein, Dale E. Newbury, David C. Joy, and Charles E. Lyman
Course topics (each topic will last ~ 1 week):
Segment 1: Atomic Structure and Analysis Techniques
- Optical Microscopy
- X-Ray Diffraction
- UV-Spectroscopys
Segment 2: Physical Property Measurements
- Elastic Modulus and Hardness
- Electrical Conductivity
Segment 3: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Related Techniques
- Scanning Electron Microscopy Theory
- Characterization Techniques in SEM
Segment 4: Final Project
- Sample Preparation
- Lab Sessions
- Student Presentations
Final Project:
The final three weeks of the course will be dedicated to the final project. This final project will allow teams to choose a material of their choice to explore with the materials characterization techniques covered in class and gain a greater understanding of their structure-processing-property relationships. Two one-on-one project consulting sessions will be had be by weeks 4 and 6 to determine the topic of their projects. Materials needed for the projects will be provided unless agreed upon and resources covered in practical sessions will be available for student use in reserved lab sessions with lab technician support. Final project will be evaluated on soundness, depth, and thoroughness of the narrative generated by their characterization not the novelty.
Grading Format
- In-Class Quizzes: 20%
- Written Challenge Problems: 30%
- Informal Class Participation: 10%
- Final Project: 40%
is required for all class periods. The course is designed for much of the learning experience to occur during the class period in the inquiry format during theory portions of the segments as grading will include contributions made in class. Attendance during the practical session is required to use the tool for the final project.